Saturday, December 17, 2011

Twitter Ababil ♥

Mauu Move on susah lho broo.. sistt :3

Ashololeee Ababil Galau nih yeee 

Galau.. galau.. galau... 

ini dia kebiasaan galau gue.. bikin quotes gak jelas :O

Di RI itu terselip beberapa Huruf dan Nama :3

Gue dan Putri Ayu

Nite Bloggie...

Percaya nggak sih, gue dibilang mirip sama salah satu artis jebolan IMB (Indonesia Mencari Bakat) si cantik Putri Ayu :3 ahahaha pada nggak percaya kan yaa..?? sama -_-''
julukan ini berawal dari booming nya Putri ayu di transtv sekitaran 2 tahun lalu. ada temen sekelasku waktu smp, bilang kalo mukanya Putri ayu tu familiar banget. nah loh? mungkin gara-gara keseringan liat tv kali ya dia -_-
eehh ternyata setelah beberapa bulan, dia baru ngehh kalo muka gue mirip sama mukanya Putri ayu. Helloo?? ngejek apa midak ya itu bocah?  ( ˘-˘)
Bagi Gue sih gapapa dibilang mirip Putri ayu ( ื▿ ืʃƪ ) tapi bagi Putri ayu gimana yaa?? Nyahahaha.. ngaco deh ini si Author :p
dari pada kelamaan.. nih gue kasih foto. dan liat aja perbedaan antara Rara Amira vs Putri Ayu (?)

hidung mancung, rambut lurus, kulit putih, muka loncong

Hidung pesek, rambut gelombang, kulit sawo mateng, muka bulet

Nahh Guys.. dah liat sendiri kan apa perbedaanya antara Rara Amira vs Putri Ayu.. 

Leave a comment if you find out the other differences and similiarities ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Kiss and Hug

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hubbub Quotes


\(´▽`)/ ƪ(◦'⌣'◦ƪ ) ƪ(◦'⌣'◦)ʃ 

(Fall)ing in Love Again

hey guys.. lama tak jumpa.
pasti kalian bertanya tanya kan, knp judulnya begitu.. dan pasti kalian berpikiran kalo si Author lagi Falling in love waktu bikin postingan ini.. Yak.. memang benar.. tapi tidak semuanya benar (?) oke.. sekarang kita bahas yuk gmana Rasanya Jatuh Cinta~

pernah nggak kalian merasa deg-degan kalo terima sms dari doi? atau ngerasa kangen kalo nggak di sms? nah itu salah satu tanda-tanda kalo kalian lagi jatuh cinta.. memang belum bisa dikatakan sepenuhnya jatuh cinta, tapi itu udah menjurus kearah situ (kayak apa aja deh o.o'' ). pasti kalo disms kalian akan merasa ngeFLY~ apalagi kalo kalian lagi digombalin. tapi guys... jatuh cinta juga bisa bikin kita sengsara loh.. ati ati, karena disaat jatuh cinta.. semua hal akan terasa halal (kalian dong kan?). nah makanya jangan karena kalian lagi Falling in love.. trus apa aja rela kalian kasih buat si doi, bahaya!! karena diantara dua orang yg lagi berduaan.. pasti yang ketiga SETAN ^^

jatuh cinta emang bener-bener berjuta rasanya deh :3. dunia serasa berubah dan serasa milik berdua.. hp jadi nggak nganggur karena sekarang udah dipenuhi inbox-inbox dari si doi, yang isinya gombalan semua Ciakaka. 
By the way kalo kita dah ngomongin tentang jatuh cinta gini. pasti nggak akan jauh juga kita ngomongin tentang  pacaran, HTSan,perselingkuhan (-__-'') dan salah paham
tapi sebelum itu... gue kasih deh tanda-tanda orang lagi Falling in love^^
Merasa ada sesuatu yang berbeda dan berubah drastis dari dalam diri kita
Suka senyum-senyum atau ketawa-ketawa sendiri nggak jelas #efeknya
Suka curi-curi pandang ke arah target hihiyy
Kalo dia lagi ngeliat ke arah kita, jantung rasanya kayak mau copot # disebut dengan ngeFLY
Salah tingkah di depan dia

Nggak sadar suka mempermalukan diri sendiri
Berkeliaran di dekat dia terusss
Suka ngelamun

Mengkhayal yang indah-indah tentang kamu dan dia
Nggak nafsu makan
Mendadak jadi insomnia alias susah tidur # yaeyalah.. smsan mulu ma dia^^
Sering dengerin lagu mellow yang liriknya about love melulu
Jadi care sama penampilan dan berusaha tampil keren terus di depan dia

Seneng banget ngira-ngira lewat ramalan bintang
Bentar-bentar ngaca
Nyari tahu segalanya tentang dia, termasuk no telpon neneknya
Deketin sobatnya, buka akses langsung ke dia

Jadi ja’im berat kalo di deket dia
Badan semerbak mewangi sana sini tralala trilili
Nyimpenin sms dari dia
Setia nunggu dia nelpon meskipun dia nggak janji mau nelpon
Sok jual mahal kalo dideketin, tapi kalo dia nggak ada kelabakan sendiri

Meng-iya kan apapun maunya dia, biarpun kamunya nggak suka
Bilangnya Cuma nganggep temen, padahal mau kesengsem berat
Pusing mikirin cara gimana ngajak dia nonton setelah sengaja beli tiket dua
Rela nyisihin uang jajan untuk beli hadiah ulang tahun dia

Satu senyuman dari dia bikin kamu mengira-ngira seribu maknanya
Rajin sms-in kabar dia
Nggak bisa ngelupain dia sekalipun dia udah ngecewain berat
Bener-bener sedih kalo dia lagi nggak ada

hayoo.. sekarang jujur deh, kalo salah satu dari kalian ngrasain tanda-tanda diatas.. berarti....... ehemmm
Jatuh Cinta 

New hair? why not

hey guys.. uas soon, and I'm bored with my hair model .. so .. I decided to cutmy hair. Uas is one reason, why so? As to be as fresh as I learn.

please welcome my new hair ( ื▿ ืʃƪ ) 

with glasses and brown headband

say cheeesssee =D

with ring-shaped red cat

with blue jeans bolero and a white tanktop

look a little imposing pose haha

some say as adult women .. is it true?

leave a comment if you want to =)



Thursday, December 15, 2011

first grade at SMA

hey guys.. long time no see, how's your day? okay i wouldn't speak too much. 
here i'm.. be a part of 5 Senior High School and i'm sitting at XG. 
entah kenapa masa SMA itu beda banget dari SMP. aku akan sedikit bercerita tentang pahit manisnya awal aku masuk SMA =)) let's see..

Guys inget nggak sama Dimas prime? Someone who had stolen my heart slowly yah kita memang sangatlah dekat untuk beberapa bulan,(but just vanish) juni-july-august. awal aku masuk SMA aku masih belum bisa lepas dari dia. padahal aku sendiri yang membuat sebuah perjanjian persahabatan.tapi sangat sulit bagiku buat secepat kilat melupakan seseorang dengan sejuta kenangan yang pernah kita buat bersama.. kita bukan couple, tapi hampir semua teman yang tau kedekatan kita mengira bahwa kita berstatus couple. dan lagi-lagi aku hanya berkata just wanna make a friendship. dan ucapan itu harus aku telan bulat-bulat. jujur saja, awal SMA aku belum bisa nglupakan dia. tetapi itu semua bisa kusudahi dengan mencoba lembaran baru, walaupun sedikit lama.. durasinya 6 bulan guys.. 

What happend in Oktober? 
oktober oh my oktober.. persami oh persami..
entah kenapa aku mulai attracted dengan seseorang. dia berhasil mencuri perhatianku dengan tingkah polahnya itu. He's good at playing guitar. ya aku tahu kalau kita belum saling mengenal. aku cuma sekedar curi-curi pandang saja dengan dia. hingga tingkahku yang aneh mulai tercium baunya oleh temanku =). Sungguh keajaiban karena temanku ini sudah mengenal dia lebih dari 9 tahun #loh bingung kan? iyalah.. si RRD ternyata temen dari SD&SMPnya SM (temenku) and.... 

After pesami
hingga suatu hari SM mencoba.. duh apa ya namanya? macok-macokin gitulah basa jawanya-_- dan RRD tau kalo aku mulai Attracted sama dia. dia tipe cowok yang stay cool gitu deh.. tapi emang disekolah, denger-denger lho yaa..dia tegolong cowok yang bisa dibilang keren (jangan dulu lho Raf :3). ganteng sih enggak ah... tapi manis iya :p putih? no! jauh dari putih :p tinggi? jelas :p proporsional? iya banget hahaha =) dan yang bikin aku suka dia tu.. dia gampang enjoy sama cewek, gak jaim.. gokil! konyol! pekok! lucu tapi. kata SM dia anaknya setia, katanya lho. itu juga yang aku jadiin bahan pertimbangan kenapa attracted sama dia =) (iya nggak raf? :p) next..

First Introduction 
lucu nggak sih.. gue ngefollow twitternya tapi pura-pura nggak tau -__-' tapi membuahkan hasil =)gue mulai akrab sama dia lewat twitter :3 dan akhirnya kita nge-Texting 
sms...oh sms.. sekitaran smsan 2 mingguan ato lebih gue lupa, aku agak gmna~ gitu sama bahasanya dia. Ilfeel iya kayaknya. tapi ilfeel sama smsnya doang bukan sama dianya. gara-gara itu juga.. kita jadi jarang smsan. tapi jujur aku mulai agak miss smsnya dia u.u dan aku mulai demen sma die *cieeelaah*. tapi aku nggak tau dia tu nanggepi akunya gimana. bikin heran deh, gimana gak heran? hampir temen-temen seangkatan 014 nggosipin aku sama dia pacaran e-__-. tiap papasan mesti aku dipanggil dengan sebutan *Raraf%@^* hoaah.. seminggu ada deh tu sebutan booming disekolah! 
karena sebutan itu.. yahh aku jadi gmana gitu.. hihi :p dianya juga agak gmana gitu, senyum-senyum gak jelas kata temennya :p tapi sayangnya itu pas udah gak smsan.. walaupun masih mentionan sih di twitter :B  then....

something happend
karena aku bosen gak jelas gitu, aku nyoba mau nge-Test dia. di twitter aku pura-pura KSBB sama dimas Prime, eh beneran dia agak gimana gitu to! wahes jan.. rajelas we raf-__-
lha aku dah bingung banget e gak jelas gitu, masak tiap smsan.. mesti aku dulu yang mulai. gak asik banget deh jadi cowok.. gak peka.. =( yaudah deh.. kata SM dia jadi ogah-ogahan gitu.. iyasih aku ngaku kalo aku yang salah. aku juga dah bikin berpuluh-puluh tweet yang isinya Regret semua buat dia.. dan kalian tau nggak tanggepannya? "lalalalala" 
ish dasar Boci nyebelin! Sumi kan udah minta maaf gini gitu.. kamu tetep aja nggak peka Boc =( *puk puk Sumi*  after that....

Now! I really really miss the old of Boci
okey gue ngaku salah.. Boci.. Sumi minta maaf banget sumi ngetest kamu kayak gitu sampe kamu ngeluarin kata-kata ajaib yah itulah.  
dan sekarang kamu bales aku! kamu KSBB sama A*&%& dan kamu sekarang kayaknya deket lagi sama dia =) okay fine..

"I know you still want her. and I know now you're trying to take her heart again. but is there a little feeling for me? I don't think there" 

"how privileged you are to me like this? I admit that I find it hard to try to let you go with her"

"I'll stop doing this, but please be patient until I can find another one. You should know that I kind of girl who is hard to forget someone"

Big Hug and Big Thanks for you Boci


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Over My Head - Brian Littrell ▶Music♩♪♫♬

I tried to figure it out
Time and time again and time again
I guess there's just some things I'll never understand
'Cause Your ways aren't our ways
But deep down in my soul, down in my soul
There is one thing I know that I know

I'm in over my head
Right where I wanna be
I'm so lost within Your love
The love that always covers me
So high, so deep, so wide
A strong and cleansing tide
My soul has found a place to rest
I'm in over my head

I've been holding on
Now I'm letting go, just letting go
Gonna let Your love carry me away
I don't know where I'm going
But I'm surrounded by the truth
And I can feel the current pulling me
Deeper into You

I'm in over my head
Right where I wanna be
I'm so lost within Your love
The love that always covers me
So high, so deep, so wide
A strong and cleansing tide
My soul has found a place to rest
I'm in over my head

You see me for who I am
You did reach out Your hand
You made me understand
That Your love has always covered me 

I'm Alive - Brian Littrell ▶Music♩♪♫♬

I lived a lot of life
I caught a dream or two
It's been a sweet ride

But I've faced my share of nights
Searched like we all do
Looking inside

Now I'm standing here
'Cause You've made it clear

This heart inside me beats because
You loved enough to take my cross
I'm alive
You gave Your life to shatter death
So even after my last breath
I'm alive
I'm finally wide awake
I'm finished being know
It's a new day

I feel it on my face
In hope's a midnight sun
That won't fade

I'm bowing down
And I'm crying out

This heart inside me beats because
You loved enough to take my cross
I'm alive
You gave Your life to shatter death
So even after my last breath
I'm alive

Forever, forevermore
Forever, Lord 

Gone Without Goodbye - Brian littrell ▶Music♩♪♫♬

Have you seen my son?
Not too tall, 5'8"
She held up a coloured copy, photograph
From his wedding day
And this is his pregnant wife
Carrying his last dream
He walked down 46 floors before he felt the rush
The rush of gasoline

I can feel the pain
Looking in their eyes
But I don't know gone without good-bye
If I could reach the sky
I'd bring him right back to your arms
Though I haven't seen your son, he's forever in my life

Have you seen my little girl?
She's got curly black hair
She took this Raggedy-Ann doll, everywhere
Last I saw her over there
Then I heard a plight of screams
And a speeding van
I watched these tears pour down
A father's last attemp of being a rational man

Though I can feel the pain
Look into his eyes
But I don't know gone without good-bye
If I could reach the sky I'd bring her right back to your arms
Though I haven't seen your girl, she's forever in my life

Mm mm, Ohh

And have you seen my faith?
It can run, it can hide
Jesus mend this breaking heart of mine
That keeps on loving life

Though I can feel the pain
Look into my eyes
But I don't know gone without good-bye
If I could reach the sky
I'd try to turn the world around
So that we could see the face of forever
Stay alive 

Dynamite - Taio Cruz ▶Music♩♪♫♬

I came to dance, dance, dance, dance
I hit the floor
'Cause that's my, plans, plans, plans, plans
I'm wearing all my favorite
Brands, brands, brands, brands
Give me space for both my hands, hands, hands, hands
You, you
Cause it goes on and on and on
And it goes on and on and on

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying AYO
Gotta let go
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying AYO
Baby, let's go

'Cause we gon' rock this club
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite
Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite

I came to move, move, move, move
Get out the way me and my crew, crew, crew, crew
I'm in the club so I'm gonna do, do, do, do
Just drop the phone, came here to do, do, do, do

Yeah, yeah

Cause it goes on and on and on
And it goes on and on and on

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying AYO
Gotta let go
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying AYO
Baby, let's go

'Cause we gon' rock this club
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite
Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite

I'm gonna take it all out
I'm gonna be the last one standing
I'm alone and all I
I'm gonna be the last one landing
'Cause I, I, Believe it
And I, I, I
I just want it all

I just want it all
I'm gonna put my hands in the air
Hands in the air
Put your hands in the air

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying AYO
Gotta let go
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying AYO
Baby, let's go

'Cause we gon' rock this club
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite
Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's dynamite

Who Owns My Heart - Miley Cyrus ▶Music♩♪♫♬


Creation shows me what to do
I'm dancing on the floor with you
And when you touch my hand
I go crazy

The music tells me what to feel
I like you now, but is it real?
By the time we say goodnight
I'll know if this is right

And I feel you
Comin through my veins
Am I into you?
Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?
Is it love?
Or is it art?
Cause the way you got your body movin's
Got me confused
I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks
Who owns my heart?
Is it love?
Or is it art?
Y-Y-Y-You know I wanna believe
That we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

The room is full but all I see is
The way your eyes just blaze through me
Like fire in the dark
We're like living art

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feelin me?
Or is the music to blame?


So come on baby
Keep provokin' me
Keep on ropin' me
Like a rodeo
Baby pull me close
Come on here we go
Here we go
Here we go

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feelin me?
Or is the music to blame?


Who owns my heart?
Who owns my heart?
Heart, heart, heart, heart... 

Learning To Fall - Boys Like Girls ▶Music♩♪♫♬

Today is the day
The worst day of my life
You're so content it hurts me
I don't know why
The cost of misery
Is at an all time high
I keep it hidden
Close to the surface in sight

I'm learning to fall
I can't hardly breathe
When I'm going down don't worry about me
Don't try this at home
You said you don't see
I don't want to know that you know, it should have been me

Could you be with him?
Or was it just a lie?
He doesn't catch you like I do
And you don't know why
You change your clothes and your hair
But I can't change your mind
Oh, I'm uninvited
So unrequited now

I'm learning to fall
I can't hardly breathe
When I'm going down don't worry about me
Don't try this at home
You said you don't see
I don't want to know that you know, it should have been me

Words screaming in my head
Why did you leave?
And I can't stop dreaming
Watching you and him
When it should have been
It should have been me

Today is the day
The worst day of my life

I'm learning to fall
I can't hardly breathe
When I'm going down don't worry about me
Don't try this at home
You said you don't see
I don't want to know that you know, it should have been me

Whoa (I'm learning to fall, I can't hardly breathe)
(I don't want to know that you know, it should have been me)
Tell me that you know, it should have been me)
Whoa (Don't try this at home, You said you don't see)
I don't want to know that you know, it should've been me
Whoa (I'm learning to fall, I can't hardly breathe)
(I don't want to know that you know, it should have been me)
Tell me that you know, it should have been me
Whoa (Don't try this at home, You said you don't see)
I don't want to know that you know, it should've been me

Mine - Taylor Swift ▶Music♩♪♫♬

You were in college working part time waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of falling
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

I say can you believe it?
As we're lying on the couch
The moment I could see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Flash forward and we're taking on the world together
And there's a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded
You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes

But we got bills to pay
We got nothing figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
[ From: ]
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

And I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m.
As everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street

Braced myself for the goodbye
'Cause that's all I've ever known
Then you took me by surprise
You said I'll never leave you alone

You said I remember how we felt sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
She is the best thing that's ever been mine

Hold on, make it last
Hold on, never turn back
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now
I can see it
I can see it now

Price Tag - Jessie J ▶Music♩♪♫♬

Okay, Coconut man, Moon Heads and Pea 
You ready 

Seems like everybody's got a price, 
I wonder how they sleep at night. 
When the sale comes first, 
And the truth comes second, 
Just stop, for a minute and 

Why is everybody so serious 
Acting so damn mysterious 
Got your shades on your eyes 
And your heels so high 
That you can't even have a good time 

Everybody look to their left (yeah) 
Everybody look to their right (ha) 
Can you feel that (yeah) 
We're paying with love tonight 
It's not about the money, money, money 
We don't need your money, money, money 
We just wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag 
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Chang Cha-Chang. 
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Blang Ba-Blang 
Wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag. 

We need to take it back in time, 
When music made us all unite 
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes, 
Am I the only one getting tired 
Why is everybody so obsessed 
Money can't buy us happiness 
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now 
Guarantee we'll be feeling Alright. 

Everybody look to their left (yeah) 
Everybody look to their right (ha) 
Can you feel that (yeah) 
We're paying with love tonight 
It's not about the money, money, money 
We don't need your money, money, money 
We just wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag 
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Chang Cha-Chang. 

[ From: ]

Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Blang Ba-Blang 
Wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag. 

Yeah yeah 
Well, keep the price tag 
And take the cash back 
Just give me six strings and a half stACK. 
And you can keep the cars 
Leave me the garage 
And all I.. 
Yes all I need are keys and guitars 
And its with in 30 seconds I'm leaving to Mars 
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds 
Its like this man, you can't put a price on the life 
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight 
So we aint gon stumble and fall never 
Waiting to see this in the sign of defeat uh uh 
So we gon keep everyone moving their feet 
So bring back the beat and then everyone sing 

It's not about the money, money, money 
We don't need your money, money, money 
We just wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag 
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Chang Cha-Chang. 
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Blang Ba-Blang 
Wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag. 

It's not about the money, money, money 
We don't need your money, money, money 
We just wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag 
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Chang Cha-Chang. 
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Blang Ba-Blang 
Wanna make the world dance, 
Forget about the Price Tag. 

[Jessie J -Outro] 
Yeah, yeah 
Forget about the price tag.